Get Started

Let's Get Started!

The first step is to have a brief (up to 20 minutes) phone conversation with Dr. Gajee to discuss the issues you are facing and determine if working with her is the best fit for you. If so, she will schedule an intake assessment appointment with you. Otherwise, she will provide you with contact information for other providers.

Click the button below to schedule your free phone consultation.

Assessment and Treatment Process

Before your intake assessment appointment, you will be asked to complete a number of forms and questionnaires. The assessment appointment itself will last about 2 hours. At the end of that meeting, you will schedule a feedback meeting within 1-2 weeks.

Before the feedback meeting, Dr. Gajee will consider all of the information you have provided to give you a balanced assessment of where you are now and recommendations for treatment. During the feedback meeting, she will review the findings with you, answer any questions you may have, and discuss treatment options. If you mutually decide to proceed with treatment, it may begin during that session or begin at the next appointment.

Once treatment begins, you will most likely have an appointment once a week at the same time every week. Between appointments you will be given activities to do to practice the skills you are learning. Every week you will review your progress in session and make any needed adjustments to the treatment plan. Once you have achieved your treatment goals, you and Dr. Gajee will celebrate your success! You will have a follow-up appointment about two months later to check in to see how you are doing and help fine tune things if needed.

Our Mission

To improve lives for our clients and their families through the application of proven evidence-based treatment.

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