Assessment and Treatment

Assessment and Treatment

We begin with an in-depth assessment. This results in a balanced profile of the strengths and challenges facing the individual or family. The assessment report is used as the starting point for treatment planning. The client partners with Dr. Gajee to create an individualized treatment plan, or roadmap, that identifies priorities for treatment and shows the interventions that we will use to achieve best outcomes.

Therapy usually occurs once a week until our goals have been achieved; some circumstances may warrant more frequent sessions. Every week the client and Dr. Gajee review data on progress together and use that data to make any needed adjustments to the treatment plan. Services are currently being offered by telehealth. Experience during the pandemic has shown that therapy by telehealth is as effective as in-person therapy for the majority of clients. Once treatment is complete, follow up appointments after one and three months are scheduled to help address challenges that may have arisen, answer questions and celebrate successes. 

The ultimate goal of treatment is to provide clients with the skills they need to resolve current difficulties and handle future challenges. The highly effective treatments used at the Center have been proven effective in teaching children, teens, adults and families essential skills they can carry with them the rest of their lives. 

Our Mission

To improve lives for our clients and their families through the application of proven evidence-based treatment.

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